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Health Conditions & Health Care Plans

Management of Food Allergies

Each school shall establish a method of ensuring that relevant information is transmitted to all supervising persons of a student identified with a life-threatening food, insect, latex or other allergy. Oldham County Board of Education employees are not permitted to offer/provide foods that contain tree nuts, peanuts or peanut oils to any student. However, students have the option of “choice” when making selections in the cafeteria and at vending machines. Students with life-threatening allergies must maintain an “Allergy Care Plan” AR 9009.04-F signed by a parent and physician.

The Allergy Care Plan" (Prescribed Epinephrine) AR 9009.04-F can be signed by parent and physician to fulfill KRS 158.834 which permits self administration of anaphylaxis medications. Middle and High School students are encouraged to carry their Epinephrine delivery system on their person and self-administer as directed by the treating physician. This provides unobstructed access to emergency medication when at school or school-sponsored activities such as extracurricular activities before/after normal school hours. Prior to self-administration, the student should be instructed to notify a school employee they are in distress. A back-up Epinephrine injector is recommended to be stored in the school office.

Form:  Allergy Care Plan for Prescribed Epinephrine AR 9009.04-F

Management of Students with Type 1 Diabetes

A Diabetes Care Plan for Students with Type 1 Diabetes is required at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment. This treatment plan must be signed by parent/physician and updated as needed. Please contact your student's school or campus nurse to initiate the Diabetes Care Plan.

Form:  Individual Diabetes Health Care Plan - AR 9009.01-F 

If your student has a different Diabetes Health Care Plan, please use the following form:
Diabetes Health Care Plan - Signature Page ONLY

Management of Students with Asthma

Students who are listed on their enrollment card as having a history of Asthma will be listed on the schools "Medical Alerts List" which is distributed to all teaching staff. Medication can be administered according to the prescriptive direction of the prescription label along with a completed Asthma Action Plan AR 9020.05-F signed by the parent/guardian.

The Asthma Action Plan AR 9020.05-F can be signed by parent and physician to fulfill KRS 158.834 which permits self administration of asthma medications.  Middle and High School students are encouraged to carry their inhaler on their person and self-administer as directed by the treating physician. This provides unobstructed access to asthma medication when at school or school-sponsored activities such as extracurricular activities before/after normal school hours.

Form:  Asthma Action Plan AR 9020.05-F 

Management of Students with Seizure Disorders

A Seizure Action Plan is required at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment for students prescribed rectal valium for emergency treatment of seizures. This plan must be signed by the parent and the physician.

Form:  Seizure Action Plan AR 9009.05-F

If your student has a different Seizure Action Plan, please use the following form:
Seizure Action Plan  -  Signature Page ONLY

Gastrostomy Tube Protocol

Form:  G-Tube Feeding Authorization