The Department of Student Services and Pupil Personnel Office provide many services to the pupils, parents, Oldham County residents, and perspective residents.
About the Department of Student Services/ Pupil Personnel
The Director of Pupil Personnel is responsible to see that students are in school on a regular basis. If they are not, then the Director of Pupil Personnel must take appropriate action to correct the situation whether it be a home visit, letter, final notice or Court action.
Records of attendance and enrollment of all students who have ever been in Oldham County Schools must be kept. These records must be available to verify birth dates, school attendance, and grades for students in years to come.
The Director works with local and state agencies to help students who may be having a problem in school or at home. Local agencies may include the Court System, Court Designated Worker, Child Protection Services, Red Cross, County Police, Fire and Health departments.
The Pupil Personnel Office is responsible to lead schools in developing plans for all emergency situations—earthquake, bus accident, unwanted intruder, tornado, train derailment, suicide or fire. We monitor the schools to see that they meet state guidelines in carrying out drills in preparation for an emergency.
Under the Office of Pupil Personnel, the following departments carry out their respective responsibilities:
- Health Services - District Nurse
- Homebound Services - Homebound Teacher
- Safe Schools Services
- Attendance - Pupil Personnel Director
- Homeless Liaison - Pupil Personnel Director
- School Assignments - Pupil Personnel Director
The Pupil Personnel office works with area business and realtors in orienting new or perspective residents to the services that are available from Oldham County Schools.