In a presentation of the Fiscal Year 2023 Unaudited Financial Report, Dr. Tom Shelton reports the district ended the year with a strong general fund balance. Revenues for FY23 were 2.6% over budget and expenses were under by 5.6%.
Other highlights and where to find them in the video:
4:35 - Normal percentage for a school district to spend on salary and benefits and where OCS falls
6:45 - The impact that lack of full transportation funding has on the budget
12:05 - Other mandates that are not fully funded by the state
13:35 - The importance of codifying full day kindergarten
15:43 - Specifics of revenues and expenses on the FY23 budget
16:55 - How reductions at central office impacted the budget
19:00 - How returning to funding based on current average daily attendance will negatively impact the budget going forward