Title 1
Title 1 is the largest federal education program providing support to our nation’s schools. The purpose of Title 1 is to provide additional opportunities and supplemental services in schools where students are potentially impacted by poverty and who are at risk for meeting Kentucky’s challenging performance standards.
Schoolwide Program
Schools must have 40 percent poverty or greater to implement a Schoolwide program. However, due to an approved waiver from the Kentucky Department of Education, all of our Title 1 schools have been approved to operate as a Schoolwide Program - meaning funds are used to improve the overall academic program of the entire school, not just select students.
A Title I Schoolwide team must annually develop a Schoolwide plan that includes the following:
- Comprehensive needs assessment
- School-wide reform strategies
- Provision for instruction by highly qualified professional staff
- Strategies for increasing parental involvement
- Plans to facilitate the transition from preschool to elementary school
- Measures for including teacher input to improve student performance and the overall instructional program
- Provision of assistance to struggling students
Title 1 Schools
For the 2023-24 school year, the Title 1 Program will serve the needs of 4 public schools in Oldham County. These schools include LaGrange Elementary, Crestwood Elementary, Centerfield Elementary and Oldham County Preschool.
Although Crestwood Elementary and Centerfield Elementary have poverty rates above the threshold allowed for operating School Wide Programs, these schools received a waiver from the state designating them as School Wide Programs (SWP).
School Improvement Plans
In addition to completing an annual Title 1 Plan, every school receiving Title 1 funds are required to have a school improvement plan in place and accessible by the public. Below are links to each of our Title 1 school’s improvement plans.
Parents & Families
Liz Dant
Elementary Level Director,
Title 1 Coordinator
For more information about Title 1 or other federal Title programs, please contact:
Liz Dant
Elementary Level Director
Title 1 Coordinator