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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)
Proficient Reading: Elementary 35% | Middle 34% | High 38%     |     Distinguished Reading: Elementary 24% | Middle 24% | High 22% 
Proficient Math: Elementary 39% | Middle 39% | High 35%     |     Distinguished Math: Elementary 20% | Middle 21% | High 22% 
KY School Report Card for Oldham County Schools

National Board Certification

NBCT Program Contact

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification represents a prestigious professional achievement for educators who wish to validate their teaching excellence. Teachers voluntarily undergo a comprehensive process that evaluates their instructional abilities against rigorous national standards. This certification, managed by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), goes beyond standard state teaching licenses by requiring teachers to provide detailed evidence of their classroom performance. Widely regarded as the most esteemed credential in K-12 education, it offers teachers a pathway to demonstrate their advanced teaching skills and professional commitment.

It is also an alternative method for obtaining rank change status for purposes of teacher compensation. While change is specific to the educational system in Kentucky, the NBPTS certification is an opportunity for teachers to earn a nationally recognized teaching credential.

Oldham County Schools offers information sessions and mentoring support for those pursuing certification and yearly stipends for the life of the certification.  Currently, 10% of Oldham County's teachers are National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs). If you'd like to learn more about the process or the ways OCS supports NBCTs please use this link to let us know. 

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

Guide to National Board Certification

Educational Professional Standards Board (EPSB)

For more information about the National Board Certification Program, please contact Teresa Gill.