Procedural Safeguards
A. KDE Gifted & Talented Regulation 704 KAR 3:285 Section 10
A school district shall establish a grievance procedure through which a parent, guardian or student may resolve a concern regarding the appropriate and adequate provision of talent pool services or services addressed in a formally identified student's gifted and talented student services plan. This districtwide grievance procedure shall address:
(1) How, and by whom, the grievance procedure is initiated;
(2) The process for determining the need to evaluate or reevaluate the child for appropriate services;
(3) The criteria for determining if placement of the child needs revision;
(4) Procedures for ensuring that appropriate services are provided to all identified students consistent with KRS 157.200 and 157.230; and
(5) Procedures for ensuring the participation of the parent or guardian, a regular education teacher of the student, a gifted education teacher or coordinator, administrator, and a counselor in addressing a grievance.