GATES Student Services, Grades 4-12
Elementary GATES Services
According to Kentucky GT regulation 704 KAR 3:285, a minimum of two service delivery options must be in place for gifted students. Grouping for instructional purposes and multiple services delivery options shall be utilized in a local district gifted education plan. Student grouping formats shall include grouping for instructional purposes based on student interests, abilities, and needs, including social and emotional.
District GT Resource Teachers:
Two types of services provided:
Specialized Programming
All students will receive GATEway services from District GT teachers that include:
- Enrichment Unit of Study
- Independent Study
(aka passion project)
Students identified in Visual Performing Arts (VPA) receive a scholarship for a free class or half-price private lessons each quarter at the Oldham County Schools Arts Center. Contact the Arts Center at 241-6018 each quarter to enroll.
Collaboration, Co-teaching, Coaching
GT students are clustered in classrooms. District GT teachers work in schools and with cluster teachers during alternate weeks when students are not at GATEway. District GT Resource teachers provide support to all classroom teachers of gifted students for differentiating instruction prescribed by the GSSP.
GATEway services
1st Semester-September through December
2nd Semester-January through May
Ms. Tschappat and Ms. Aissami will email families prior to the beginning of each semester with schedules and the following information:
- Login information for students/parents to access GATEway class
- GATEway FAQs, permission to participate, behavior contract
- How parents may be connected and receive up-to-date information
Middle School GATES Services
According to Kentucky GT regulation 704 KAR 3:285, a minimum of two service delivery options must be in place for gifted students. Grouping for instructional purposes and multiple services delivery options shall be utilized in a local district gifted education plan. Student grouping formats shall include grouping for instructional purposes based on student interests, abilities, and needs, including social and emotional.
Middle School Resource Teachers:
Two types of services provided:
Specialized Programming
Services are provided as a scheduled class at each middle school and include:
Enrichment Unit of Study
Independent Study
(aka passion project)
Students identified in Visual Performing Arts (VPA) receive a scholarship for a free class or half-price private lessons each quarter at the Oldham County Schools Arts Center. Contact the Arts Center at 241-6018 each quarter to enroll.
Collaboration, Co-teaching, Coaching
GT coordinators work with administrative teams, Professional Learning Communities, and small groups of cross-grade teachers to provide support for differentiating instruction prescribed by GSSP that is connected directly to core content.
High School GATES Services
According to Kentucky GT regulation 704 KAR 3:285, a minimum of two service delivery options must be in place for gifted students. Grouping for instructional purposes and multiple services delivery options shall be utilized in a local district gifted education plan. Student grouping formats shall include grouping for instructional purposes based on student interests, abilities, and needs, including social and emotional.
High School Resource Teachers:
Two types of services provided:
Specialized Programming
Services vary at each high school but may include seminars, advanced courses of study, dual enrollment, academic competitions, special counseling, mentorships, and other types of enrichment and acceleration. Care is taken to schedule students in classes matching their areas of interest and expertise.
Students identified in Visual Performing Arts (VPA) receive a scholarship for a free class or half-price private lessons each quarter at the Oldham County Schools Arts Center. Contact the Arts Center at 241-6018 each quarter to enroll.
Collaboration, Co-teaching, Coaching
GT coordinators work with administrative teams, Professional Learning Communities, and small groups of cross-grade teachers to provide support for differentiating instruction prescribed by GSSP that is connected directly to core content.