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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)
Proficient Reading: Elementary 30% | Middle 38% | High 38%     |     Distinguished Reading: Elementary 28% | Middle 21% | High 23% 
Proficient Math: Elementary 39% | Middle 37% | High 38%     |     Distinguished Math: Elementary 18% | Middle 19% | High 20% 
2023 KY School Report Card for Oldham County Schools 

Transfer Students

A transfer student is a student has left one school district and is enrolling in another school program. The Oldham County Schools address transfer students on an individual student basis.

Students who transfer to the Oldham County Schools from a Public School District in Kentucky and have a current Individual Education Program

If a student transfers to the Oldham County Schools from another Kentucky public school and has an Individual Education Program in effect, the student will be provided special education services comparable to those described on the student’s Individual Education Program. These services will continue until the Admission and Release Committee assembles and adopts the previous IEP or develops, adopts and implements a new IEP. Upon enrollment, the school will assist parents in securing special education records from the prior school district.

Students who transfer to the Oldham County Schools from Outside of Kentucky.

If a student transfers to the Oldham County Schools from a school outside of Kentucky and the student has current Individual Education Program, the school will assist the parents in securing special education records from the prior school district. Upon enrollment, the Admission and Release Committee will assemble to review and potentially revise the current IEP. The IEP will be implemented until the Oldham County Schools conducts an evaluation and determines eligibility in one or more of the 13 categories of disability identified in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations.

Students who Transfer During the Evaluation Process

If a student transfers to the Oldham County Schools from another school district in Kentucky or outside Kentucky and is in the process of evaluation and identification of a potential disability, the Oldham County Schools will coordinate evaluation services with the previous school district. Upon enrollment the school will assist the parents in securing education records from the prior school district. The Oldham County Schools will complete the evaluation as expeditiously as possible.

Requesting Records for a Transfer Student

Upon receipt of a written request for records, the Oldham County Schools will provide parents, the student, or the receiving school district copies of a student’s educational records. The Oldham County Schools follows its written procedures concerning parental consent when releasing records.