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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)
Proficient Reading: Elementary 35% | Middle 34% | High 38%     |     Distinguished Reading: Elementary 24% | Middle 24% | High 22% 
Proficient Math: Elementary 39% | Middle 39% | High 35%     |     Distinguished Math: Elementary 20% | Middle 21% | High 22% 
KY School Report Card for Oldham County Schools

About Our ELL Program


The mission of the Oldham County Schools English Language Learner Department is to ensure high levels of learning and success—in the classroom, school, and community—for all ELL students by providing research-based instruction within a socially and culturally supportive environment. 


  • To empower ELL students and their families to be active and successful members within Oldham County Schools and the community.
  • To collaborate effectively with teachers and support staff ensuring ELL students and their families receive equitable opportunities and resources.


Oldham County initiated its English Language Learner (ELL) program in the fall of 1996.  Since then, the program has grown, and now serves roughly 300 students representing approximately 30 different first languages.  ELL students are enrolled in every school throughout the district, participating in a variety of instructional models to help students as they gain English across the four domains of language (speaking, listening, reading, and writing).

Upon entry into Oldham County Schools, each eligible student is assessed for his/her English competency, using the WIDA Screener.  ELL students are re-assessed annually to determine yearly progress toward state benchmarks for English language proficiency. ELL and school staff use assessment results from ACCESS for ELLs, to design a Program Services Plan (PSP) for each student.  Parents are invited to attend the PSP meeting, along with the students’ teachers, administrators, ELL Building Coordinators, and the ELL teacher.

At the elementary level, students who participate in the ELL Program attend one of four ELL Cluster schools (La Grange, Centerfield, Crestwood, or Goshen), with transportation provided for students. Middle school ELL students residing in the area for East Oldham Middle School and participating in the ELL Program will attend Oldham County Middle School. At the middle and high school level, the most recently arrived English Learners, with English proficiency at the Entering or Beginning levels, may attend the ELL Newcomer Center and will be transported from their home to this central campus for the morning portion of each school day. This allows for daily intensive English instruction. These Newcomer students participate in afternoon classes on the OCHS/OCMS campus. Students in all ELL settings receive explicit English language development instruction appropriate to their level of English language proficiency, with the goal that all English learners will have opportunities to access and demonstrate learning in ways that are equitable to their native English-speaking peers.

Oldham County Schools Lau Plan

English Classes for Adults

¿Necesita aprender Inglés y obtener su GED para ir a la Universidad? ¿Para su trabajo?
Do you need to learn English to get your GED for College? For your job?

¡Tenemos clases de Ingles y GED para adultos GRATUITAS en el Condado \de Oldham.
We have FREE English and GED classes in Oldham County for adults!

Invitamos personas que necesiten aprender Ingles, no importa su nivel! La inscripción está abierta para todos!
We invite speakers of all languages and English levels. Registration is now open!

Clase Zoom ONLINE: 

Martes y Jueves 
Mañana: 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM 
Tarde: 6:00 PM or 7:30 PM 

ONLINE Zoom Class: 

Tuesdays and Thursdays 
Morning: 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM 
Evening: 6:00 PM or 7:30 PM 

Kentucky Skills U - Credentials, College, Career
QR Code to register for KY Skills U

“Oldham County Skills U”
Call or Text ESL to (502) 241-6018  ext. 170
Register Online: