Academics & Instruction
Dr. Dylan Smith
Liz Dant
Level Director
Jenna Daulton
Middle School
Level Director
Matt Jacobson
High School
Level Director
Niki Brown
Director of
Jaclyn Green
Director of
Sarah Whitt
Instructional Support Coordinator
It is the policy of the Oldham County Board of Education that all students receive the highest possible level of instruction under direction of highly qualified teachers who are certified by the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the field in which they teach.
We are extremely proud of the expertise and experience of our staff. OCS consistently has high percentages of teachers who meet the federal government’s Highly Qualified Teacher requirements and who hold National Board Teacher Certification. We respect parents’ rights to know about the qualification of their children’s teacher and welcome inquiries about teacher credentials. Please contact Richard Graviss, Personnel Director, at 502-241-3500 for additional information.
Padres y apoderados tienen derecho a conocer las cualificaciones y credenciales de los profesores de nuestras escuelas. Si usted desea mayor información sobre los profesores de su hijo, por favor contacte a Richard Graviss, director de personal. Teléfono 502-241-3500.